Bridger Yancey

Bridger YanceyAccount Manager

Territory: Knoxville, Tennessee

Office Phone: 800.778.0023 ext. 701

Cell Phone: 865.209.8944

Email: [email protected]


Knoxville Account Manager Bridger Yancey describes his role at Rodem as someone who makes “it” happen.  “It” being orders, information, reports, and products, whatever his customers’ needs, Bridger does his best to make “it” happen in both a pleasant and rapid fashion. Bridger’s excellent track record for superior customer service promoted him from his CSR role to Account Manager in 2020.


Originally from Memphis, he was in the fluid power industry for 15 years before starting at Rodem in 2010.  Bridger’s interest is kept by the sanitary process industry technology and the constant evolution of the industry.  Away from the office, Bridger loves spending time with his wife and three children, is an avid mountain biker, enjoys driving anything remote controlled, and is a fan of classics trucks.