Do You Really Know When Your Plate Heat Exchanger is Leaking?

Plate Heat Exchanger Testing

Do you really know when your plate heat exchanger is leaking? When you do, it’s often too late. Your product quality is compromised, and you face downtime to find and fix the leak.

Until now.


Read on to find out how Rodem’s PHE Testing service can help, including a real customer story about the technology we use. It will save you money and prevent downtime (normally only 45 minutes to test).


Whether you’re pasteurizing product or water, your plate heat exchangers are constantly running. There’s simply no way to continue operating safely and hygienically with leaks in the PHE system.


Finding leaks in these closed systems can be extremely difficult. Often, your first indication of a leak is impurity in your product or transfer media.


By then, it’s too late–you have to shut down, find and repair the leak, clean the system, and then bring everything back on line. This can cost you hours of production time, resulting in a huge loss of revenue.


With PHE service from Rodem, you can detect leaks early on. Detecting leaks early lets you make the repairs on your own terms instead of waiting for an unexpected issue to arise.


Fast, But Thorough


Since there’s no system that’s immune to leaks, your best bet is to find the leaks early, allowing you to schedule the best possible downtime to make repairs.


You’ll also want to find a testing service that works quickly, so that the testing process itself doesn’t disrupt your operations.


But it has to be thorough. That’s why Rodem uses technology that is fast, but can detect leaks and holes that other systems can overlook.


A Case Study


Case in point: Rodem’s technology for PHE testing was recently used by a major beverage manufacturer in Europe. Another system had been used to test their PHEs twice. Despite both tests showing the system to be OK, the manufacturer was still getting bad micro results.


The detection system showed failures after only 35 seconds of testing. Subsequent dye testing confirmed the presence of tiny holes in the heat exchangers. The technology that Rodem uses allowed the manufacturer to locate and repair the leaks that were contaminating their product. The other test could not even identify that leaks existed.


Test It Fast, Test It Right


As you can see, Rodem’s PHE service offers many advantages over other leak detection systems:


  •  Least disruptive: Minimal cleanup means minimal downtime.
  •  Extremely fast: An average system takes 45 minutes to test.
  •  Very sensitive: Our system can detect very small holes or cracks, potentially as small as 5 microns.

Since the whole point of PHE service is to shorten and prevent downtime, this offers you a huge advantage over other systems. Our testing system minimizes disruption to your production lines when you need them running most.


For an average-sized system, you can get a highly accurate leak test, and have your line running again in less than an hour. At the end of the test, you’ll know exactly what condition your PHEs are in.


Safe, Uncontaminated Product


Providing a sanitary product is critical for food and beverage manufacturers. PHE service from Rodem allows manufacturers to provide clean, safe products, while minimizing time spent testing their systems. Rodem also makes it easy and affordable for manufacturers to detect leaks early, allowing them to make repairs during scheduled maintenance windows, instead of during emergency shutdowns.


Learn more about Rodem’s PHE Testing and Service now.


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