How to Select the Right CIP System

The benefits of using this method of cleaning interior surfaces without disassembly (or “in-place”) on piping, processing equipment, tanks, pumps, valves, heat exchangers, and more are limitless. But how do you go about picking out the right CIP System for your process? There are many variations of CIP units, but the most typical are one to three tanks on a common skid with heat exchanger, pump, and chemical distribution system. 


Know Your Process.


Before exploring the variety of CIP units, it is important to know the equipment flow requirements of your process. The biggest misconception is that a properly designed CIP system will work effectively on any process system. This is not true, it is vital to ensure that your process system is also designed to be cleaned in place and meets 3A standards to get the most from your CIP. 


How to Integrate CIP into Your Process


Start the process of integrating a CIP system into your process by contacting a professional with experience in systems designed with cleanability in mind. Rodem begins by using a questionnaire that gathers all the necessary information of the process as well as develops an understanding of end users goals. This ensures that your CIP system will prove most beneficial to your process. It is not a “one size fits all” process. 


From conception to installation of the CIP system, remember to take time to understand your process and options to get the most bang for your buck. The benefits of the right system for your facility’s operation will pay for themselves and leave you asking “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”


See our CIP system offerings or contact us to speak with a Rodem expert about what is best for your application. 


Rodem even offers CIP System Maintenance! Check it out. 

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