Alfa Laval Mixproof Valves – An Ideal Solution For All Beverage Processing Applications

Mixproof valves have been used in the food and beverage industry for almost three decades. In this time, these valves have improved the bottom line for customers by saving them money on processing costs. Manufacturers have continuously improved and refined their valves to offer optimized performance and Alfa Laval’s mixproof valve has proven to be a dynamic solution for all beverage applications where efficiency, hygiene and precision are a priority.


Mixproof Technology Means Two Valves in One


Mixproof valve technology is designed to optimize your resources. These valves offer the ability to operate dual functionality, while efficiently and securely allowing beverages to flow in one valve chamber, while CIP solution flows in the opposite chamber. This means less downtime to clean and more uptime for production demands, without any risk of cross contamination.


Boost Productivity with Valve Skids for Beverage Processes


Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof CP-3 Perfect for syrup and recipe room manifolds, mixproof valves from Alfa Laval are engineered to effortlessly transport and clean syrup and sugar based carbonated beverages and energy drinks. Rodem’s engineering team can create a custom valve manifold solution to help increase throughput. By incorporating mixproof technology, processors can simultaneously run processing and CIP on various lines. If you are considering a valve manifold for your beverage processing plant be sure to check out our Guidelines for Installing Valve Clusters to get a better understanding of the basic do’s and don’ts of valve skid installation.

Real Time Valve Operating Status Info Improves Traceability & Productivity


From fluid milk to sugar based liquids, valve skid systems or valve manifolds are an ideal solution to offer more production in less time for beverage producers. Get even more out of your mixproof valves by fully integrating your beverage process automation with a variety of Alfa Laval ThinkTop valve control options. The ThinkTop offers a powerful, reliable and dependable control unit that provides exceptional surveillance and control of the fluid handling process.


Minimal Service & Maintenance


Designed with user flexibility in mind, Alfa Laval’s mixproof valve portfolio offers outstanding tailor-made solutions, yet requires minimal service and maintenance for beverage and other sanitary processors. The top-loading design, zero adjustable components, maintenance –friendly actuator and built-in leakage detection on all seals ensure simple maintenance. High-quality replacement parts and regular preventative maintenance will help ensure a long life-span and superior performance from mixproof valves.

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