Four Ways to Save Time & Money with Modular Skid Fabrication
Modular skids are designed to house an entire process and can have a big impact on processing efficiency. A skid can range from something as simple as a pump on a cart to a complex custom tailored skidded system. Consider the following list of big benefits of modular skid systems:

- Best Use of Your Space: Large expansions that crowd the plant floor aren’t necessary when you use a modular skid. Skid systems are designed to make the most of your existing space. This allows producers to boost production and efficiency within the existing footprint.
- Decreased Strain on Internal Resources: Trusting a qualified contractor to build your skid results in superior quality control. Additionally, offsite fabrication allows you to focus on your day to day operations and leaves the construction management of the skid to the professionals.
- Superior Quality Control: Rodem has a fabrication facility specifically designed for skid manufacturing. Rodem can fabricate skid systems to your customized needs and minimize any risk of contamination.
- Minimal Process Interuptions: Skidded systems allow for faster installations and tie ins. Less downtime for installation results in greater up time for production and adds immediately to your bottom line. Our team can design, build and install a system with minimal impact on your tight production schedule.
Our goal with modular skidded systems is to maximize efficiency and yield, while minimizing downtime and keeping great sanitary design in mind.
Find out how Rodem can save you time and money with our modular skidded systems. Click below for a consultation.
Talk to your Rodem contact to learn more about skidded systems.